Monday 4 June 2012


Clovelly, with its steep cobbled streets is like stepping back in a time warp. The picturesque cottages and tea rooms, small garden courtyards and well kept properties are a credit to all who live and work there. The scenery is breathtaking and a word of warning for the less agile amongst us - the streets are very steep indeed and its a long walk back up. Be prepared to take your time here. In all honesty, it shouldn't be rushed anyway.

Donkey's used to be used to move goods around the village but these days sledges are used. The roads are far too narrow and steep for any motor vehicle although there is now a back road and a landrover service to take those exhausted tourists back up to the top - for a fee of course. Children can take donkey rides near the visitor centre and main car park.

The fishing quay can trace its origins back to the 14th century as do many of the cottages and buildings in Clovelly. This is a working fishing village and whilst much of the income may now be derived from tourism, fishing still takes place here. In common with much of this coastline smuggling and shipwrecks were common place.

Clovelly is really very unique. The village of Clovelly is still owned by one family, a tradition that goes back to the Norman Conquest. No trip round Clovelly is complete without a good look round the visitor centre and it is one of those places that should not be rushed. Allow at least half a day to explore this place fully and if time allows spend a whole day here. It really is a treat.

For photographs of Clovelly click here

Or you can also view on You Tube

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