Saturday, 9 June 2012


This pretty market town is believed to have taken its name from the Anglo-Saxon word for Woodland. It is mentioned in the Domesday Book as a market town with a port at Cley next the Sea.

The only remaining and fully functional working watermill in Norfolk can be found near here on the River Glaven. It is one of the top Norfolk tourist attractions with working demonstrations and flour production in full swing for all see. The flour is even sold locally in several retail outlets.

This Georgian town dates back to medieval times although records show that a serious fire started in the Shire Hall in 1708 and destroyed most of the town and its timber framed buildings.

This is a popular tourist destination with a variety of traditional and private shops where the visitor can find a host of curious craft and collectable goods. You will find things here that are very much different to products sold in the high street stores of most towns and cities.

For more photographs of Norfolk click here or view on You Tube

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